
Poet’s Daughter

Poet’s Daughter


Poet’s daughter brought a gift of five pebbles

from her Ireland trip to her father.


It was the best gift to her inland dad

who sees the beauty in the pebbles formed from the crashing waves on the sea shore.


The pebbles are losing the seawater in his study,

but they will be good companions to the poet

who comfort his sea fever.


Anyway, they are the expression of daughter’s love of her dad.







Moslem fight and kill each other along the complex ethnic and religious lines in darkness.

Many left the war torn country, Iraq and Syria, to European nations and sought refuge status.

---What is going on in the Middle East?

---Where was their Spring?

---Why they are seeking asylum in neighboring Moslem countries?

---Why some Moslem nations are just onlookers of the war?

The USA and Russia are bombing ISIS bases, and Kurds are fighting ISIS regime, but they are also connected to Iran and Turkey in turmoil.

Sunni and Shiite, and Yazidis, and more ethnic and religiousgroups( I dont know them all) engage in all wars from all frontsand back courts.

More men and foreigners are beheaded by ISIS in front of the video in the post-2oth century.

Girls and women are becoming sex slaves of the ISIS warriors.




Who started this labyrinth of the Middle East?

Who started Spring of Middle East?

George Bush and his stupid men started a war without a cause

And killed Saddam Hussein.  

The delicate Middle East was struck and shaken by the US intervention.

All Middle East is now one dangerous quagmire. 




Now, the US is a war field between FBI and Apple.

The US is already a war torn country, its economy has been devastated, 

Endlessly plunging into the bottom of labyrinth,

Now between the national security and privacy.


---Yearn Hong Choi