By Yearn Hong Choi
We approach the Dokdo Isle;
Our hearts are pounding.
Our hearts are pounding
As we start to see the three-peak isle on the horizon.
Dokdo is seen in the distance
As an island with three peaks,
So it was once called the Three-Peak Island.
Dokdo looks different from different angles,
So it has had many different names over 1,500 years.
Once it was called the Seal Island,
Because so many seals landed on the Island.
Who killed seals? Barbarians did.
Once it was called as the Rock Island.
Cholla fishermen were called “the Rock,” which meant “the lonely” in Korean.
The Korean fishermen offered many different names for the Dokdo Isle
Over the past 1,500 years.
But Japan dared to claim that it discovered a no man’s island and occupied it in 1905.
Only barbarians want to steal the isle we have occupied.
We approach the Dokdo Isle;
Our hearts are pounding.
We approach the Dokdo Isle,
Our hearts are pounding
As we start to see seagulls.
The Island sea has been the fishing ground for many centuries
For all Korean people over many centuries.
So no one can steal our Dokdo Isle.
We can see Dokdo from Ulnungdo with our naked eyes
On many fine days.
So don’t try to steal our Isle.